Sunday, February 28, 2010 9:05 PM
Thank you.
Hey teammates! Even though i wasn't part of you guys, but i will always be thr cheering for all of you guys. Tmr match is a must win match. Do your best and don let your teammates, coaches, teachers and friends down :D
HuiMin, JiaZhen, Erra, Shamirah, Samantha, Josephine, GuiRu, Vanalyn, Regine, ShiYin, Litze, Bronte. Jiayou for tmr. I am sure you all can win! hi -5! FTW!

( i am lazy to edit those pics. Anyw, enjoy :D )
Yesterday was an awesome day! Me went for service :D Hahaha! Took neoprint before going. Hmmm, it was a fun day :D Miss N439 like Shyt man! Finally see them all. Hahahaha! Their hugs! LOL! Alrights, left early cause of the stupid curfew.

Currently now watch
It's the FIRST KOREAN DRAMA i watch this year :D freaking wonderful and nice. It always makes me reminds of Hahahaha! The OST rocks most. Must go watch ah! DAMN NICE :D
-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.
`† N439
Labels ; I am who i am. Hate me then stay away.
Friday, February 26, 2010 10:28 PM
It's a long time since i enjoy myself so much :D
Had a great day today :D But with alot of injuries. HAHAHAHA! Had school, got the fire drill :D No chinese test. LMAO! Then after school took English CT. HAHAHAHAHA! I score badly for my maths. Argh! Anyw, after tht had self-training. Training was FUN. Me and teammates was MAD. Anyw, after training go home, bath. Then slept. HAHAHAHA! I super tired alrights! hmmm, then was awaken up by my mother. She ask me go down RC for dinner. Ate, then played at fragrant. Was damn fun. HAHAHA! Atfirst was like damn bored. Me and Kiampei took Kiamping's bike go ride around. Kiampei totally have NO license. LOL! She go bang car when turning at a slope. Then my leg kena injuries. Was burning pain, even until now. Just a small scratch can cause my whole leg shaking and vibrating.. Zzzz! Idiot leg. hais! Is really just the stupid burning sensation, tht cause my whole leg not listening to me. Argh! Alrights! After tht, play match. In one match, i injured myself 3 times. PRO RIGHT! LOL! First time was Zhi Rui throw the ball to me, hit my specs, then my spec drop. Second time, ZHI RUI (Again, he from my team somemore. LOL!) jump. I think he was block ball, then he came down, step until my leg. I was screaming like siao. You cant imaging the pain. AHHHHH! Then nvm. When i was stealing ball from KiamPei, ESMOND came to the "Rescue" of the ball. Then he took the ball, bounce, ELBOW ME. =.= He elbow my head somemore. Thr was a LOUD " BOMB" then the next thing was, TOH YANLING WAS FOUND LYING ON THE FLOOR. zzzzzzzzzz!!! Kays, then the match resume. LOL! Now, i dunno why, my head seems to be very pain. Ohwell. I shall end here. Bye yeah. Service tmr! :D
-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.
`† N439
Labels ; Enjoyed!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:06 PM
Hey guys! Me back. I wanted to post yesterday, but lazy. Let me warn you. This post is gonna be lengthy okay!
SUNDAY(feb 21, Still CNY hor!)
Hmmm... Sunday. What i did? Hmmmm, actually, is all STUDYING AND STUDYING! From 1 plus till 5 plus. My head BAO ah! After tht went down to meet up with KiamPei, saw Niny, then Qixuan and QiNeng came. Me gone crazy after awhile, but back to myself again. Hmmm, then after tht go vista. Got this dunno wht CHINGAY PARADE @ ADMIRALTY. My mother got 50 tickets lor. Siao bodoh! But was like super damn sian. Then we decided to LEAVE. Bought DINNER then go QiXuan's house eat. Cause she have to reach home by 8. Then we was like playing with the stupid WHISTLER. Funny bodoh! Hahahaha! After tht KiamPei and Niny left. me stay in their house. Play till 10 plus. HAHAHA! Had alot Heart-To-Heart talk. LMAO!
MONDAY(Feb 22, CNY! )
Had school. SIAN AH! START OF COMMON TEST. Tht stupid test. Anyw, Woodgrove had match on tht day, so skip the paper. Maths and English. hoho! Hmmm, shall not say bout the Match. After match, went back school. Me go Qixuan house STUDY! With KIAMKIAM! Had alotalotalot of fun over thr. Then when home. Anyw, THANKYOU AUNTIE FOR THE MAGGIE. And, i almost finish the junk foods thr. IS LIKE SO DAMN NICE!? LOLOL! OKays...
OKay, had school . DUH!? MATHS WAS FREAKING HARD. Anyw, i know i will fail it. So.. LOL! Wooo, and, alot of things happen in school tht makes me totally go WOW. Freak up man! Nvm, it's over. Had training, my mood is back then. Watch video of the match they played on monday. Took by me, but was reprimanded by coach. Cause didn't take a good one. Hmmm, nvm. It's over! Shall take better next time. It's my job. Oh well. hmmm! Went home quite late. AND, as you know TOH YANLING got curfew. 7 must reach home. Then i went home, walk pass fragrant. Tht DONALD DUCK, keep ask me play one match. zzz! In the end i stayed. Was kena "Wei Xie" by ERNEST also. Wht 10$ sia. LOLOL! OKays, tht match was fun anyway. I STEAL "ahem" ball! yahoooo! I am so damn hyper now, for no reason. Er.....
Stupid idiot mass run in the morning. Hais! I RAN 3 ROUNDS! Congratz! Lmao! Okay, had lessons(DUH!?), then had Common test. Kay, i have to confess this. GEOGRAPHY SUCKS! I think only less then 5 ppl will pass it. Hahahaha! Who is the teacher who set sia. Oh gosh! My Geo teacher also no teach how to ans those question. Wasta my time studying, in the end no come out those i memorise de. Waste my memory also. HAIS! I think our script very easy to mark bah. Cause alot ppl leave blanks. HAHAHA! Anyw, LCD and Maths periods was FUN to the max! Ms Lim was away from school. We did our own work. Me sit with MINMIN. We was having FUN alrights! And, MUMMY AH! Don get distracted so easily kays! Jiayou ah! Was Laughing Out Loud with Joshua KONG alot. He is like damn big joker. He always don fail to make me laugh. MinMin also! :D Love all! Anyw, had training after tht. Wosh! After training, home. Fragrant feels DESERTED man! LOL! Okay, i shall end here. FINALLY! And,
PEOPLE, TAG PLEASE! My blog dying soon!
-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.
`† N439
Labels ; In love with JUSTIN BIEBER's SONG! Not him. Ps worh!
Saturday, February 20, 2010 3:36 PM
Hey guys. Me back. 5 days of M.I.A. LOLOL! Okays, last few days was nice luhs. Hahaha! Now still CNY hor. LOL! Kays, erm, last tuesday, which was CNY 3rd day. Me went out with Fragrant co. Play + watch movie. Then home-d at 11 plus. WOOO! Next day got school sia. Ohwell. Then next day, school starts. You can imagine me sleeping so peacefully in class. =.= LOL! Me damn sleepy de kays! ROFL! Skip...... Thursday & Friday nth much luhs. Hahahaha. Anyw, Common test coming liao. Many ppl out there should be mugging away. Me also going to liao. Started yesterday. Had "remedial" with Ms Lim today. Not many ppl was here. Anyw, i found it useful ;D Learn alot of things, which kinda make me go crazy. Must digest so MANY things at one go. Hmmm, then after tht return for training. Training ended, home-d. Today dinner out. Hahahaha! Hope it would be a nice day though. Bye guys, me go mug liao. Hmmmm, wont be posting the next few days. Studies more important.
It's a long time since i have done tag replies. LOL!
Tag replies;
Farrah : LOLOLOL!
Litze : Thanks for? LOL!
Esmond : Link ASAP ;P
Jerry : Hey. Thanks anyw :D
TokHuiMin : Not i say de. ROFL! You no give me link, ask me to link you. Act cute huh!?
Josephine : Same to you! :D
YiXuan : ZZZ! Stupid VEGE KOR. LOL!
Yong Ting : Hey! Enjoyed my CNY with you and nydya :D
LiTing : LOL! Accidentally de luhs. hahaha!
PEOPLE, PLEASE TAG MORE! Zzzz!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.
`† N439
Labels ; Time flies!
Monday, February 15, 2010 11:45 PM
When out today, with KiamPei, QiXuan & HanZi. Starting is only me, KP & QX. We went bedok to find KP's mother bainian ;D LOL! Ate thr. Was like so damn full. Then after tht go tampines meet hanzi. We went Golden village. Wanting to watch movie. Bought the tickets liao, budden kinda regret. Then we ask Hanzi go ask see can refund mah. The cashier ask him why want refund, he say
CAUSE MY FRIEND MOTHER SUDDENLY ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL, THEN WE NEED RUSH THR. Wth lor! Then after tht we go timezone play. Took neoprints. Then after tht when back to fragrant. Took 168 bus. Damn freaking funny. We was sitting on the bus, playing cards. Then thr was this bunch of Indian man, dunno come up at which stop. They sat behind us. Then I sit with hanzi. Then i sit outside, thr is this Indian man, sitting behind me. Then he lean against the sit infront. Which is the one i am sitting. Then i cannot lean behind. Very... EEYER! Then QX saw a guy behind standing Zip-ing his pant. We was like mad like tht. Laugh no stop. LOL! Then Hanzi change place with me. He go purposely go bang very hard on the chair. We was all laughing like mad lor. Then the most funny part is, when we coming down the bus. Cause the guy behind me is still sleeping, then i was like staring at the guy. Then beside him got another Indian guy. He sleeping also. But he is leaning back. Then his leg open SUPERB BIG. Then i nvr notice. I trip over, then i hold the handler of the one he leaning on. Then i pull his hair. LOL! Then i super unbalance. I almost fall down the staircase. And the guy which i accidentally pull until tht hair, he was like super normal. He like no reaction like tht. Then we was freaking laughing like mad. LOL! Funny luhs! ROFL! Then after tht reach fragrant. No ppl was thr. As expected. hmmm, then proceed to QX house. Played MAHJONG! No money is used. HAHAHAHA! Damn fun okay! Then her mother cook for us ;D After eating, continue playing. Then Niny and Esmond came and find us ;D They play mahjong also. After tht Niny and KP left. Then we continued ;D Then Tsinee come find us. Then play awhile home-d. Then Tsinee & Hanzi came my house. Play DaiTi. Shit them luhs. Last round play one card 1 dollar. Then i lose. FREAK LUHS! 12 BUCKS SIA! WTHHHH!!! Argh! Me gonna win back all those tmr! Anyw, anyone wants to watch movie tmr ;D ? HAHAHA! Enjoyed!
-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.
`† N439
Labels ; Will i fall in you?
Sunday, February 14, 2010 11:56 PM
Happy Chinese New Year + Valentines day!

I like tht shirt alot :D Qixuan/Boyf 's mother bought for me ;D
I look retard in some pictures. No comments needed. Thanks!
(My uncle is also in one of the photo. He own the house. HAHA!)
Amazed by some of the actions by the

(During lion dance, some of my cousin go peek at wht the 'LionS' are doing when they were all gather on the floor. They even took orange from them. Or izzit steal?! LOL! They damn funny + cute. We was all laughing at all thr actions. Plus is not only one or two cousin. Is like four or five sia!)
In a few minutes time, Valentines day is gonna end, and the second day of CNY is coming. Haha! Anyw, woke up in the morning to watch show. After tht slack, damn freaking bored. Actually wanted to go out meet MinMin de. Budden very lazy go out. Oh well. HAHA! After tht left house @ around 3 plus? or 4 like tht. Went Grandfather's house first. Then after tht to Da Jiu's house. Bungalow sia ;D LOLOL! Me and my cousin like tht balcony the best ;D HAHA! Got lion dance ;D Nice luhs. Then ate buffet. Then was at balcony Camwhore-ing. LOL! Damn funny. Hahahaha! Me like become kids again. Cause me and my cousin was like in balcony talking/using com. Then here come those kids. HAHAHA! But, well. We took pictures also. Hurray! It is up thr. I look retard in some. LOL! We went STAR-GAZING in the balcony also. And, i totally can remember wht i saw last year. Is the same as this year. There's this "rhombus" with 3 star line diagonally in it. Damn nice. Is was same picture as it was last year during CNY. LOL! Nice LUHS! Hahahaa! Alrights, went home @ around going 11pm. My eyes lid gonna close liao. I shall end here. Thr will be more tmr ;D Tmr will be FRIEND DAY for me ;D LOL! Anyw, Happy CNY !
-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.
`† N439
Labels ; You made my day!
Saturday, February 13, 2010 11:57 PM
Hey guy! Its few more second till CNY + Valentines. Are you guys counting down? To CNY? Or to Valentines? Hahahaha! It has been 57 years ever since Valentines and CNY clash. Izzit a good thing? I doubt so. Hahaha! Is this special day, you can see both FAMILY and COUPLE on streets. such HAPPY day ;D Anyw, How is your Chinese new year spend? It's few more second till 1200AM. Excited? HAHAHA! Anyw,
Friday, February 12, 2010 2:46 PM
As if i believe
(Did this when talking to clar online due to BOREDNESS.)It's a long time since i posted. Haha! Quite lazy to post nowadays. Hmmm, last few days, nth special happen. Anyw, had CNY celebration today. CNY is coming in a few days time. Excited? But i am not excited as you guys. Hahaha! I am excited in staying home, staring into the com, the tv or even into blank spaces. Alot of things happen, and it was like real... HEADACHE. It's soon gonna be Valentines day, but everything seems to be breaking down. Hais, i just hope tht everything would be fine this year. Hurray yeah. I want end here le.. Later MAYBE(most likely not) going out with . Actually is confirm can go de lor, my mother suddenly say cannot. Like.. WHT THE FREAK. Hais, nvm... Bye readers. TAG MY BLOODY BLOG.
-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.
`† N439
Labels ; AS IF I BELIEVE! =.= Everything change. Including YOU, my dear friend.
Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:10 PM

It gonna be a short post before bed.
Time flies and chinese new year is almost here together with valentines day. I am gonna have a awesome time out thr yeah! And, tmr going bugis w/ clarsia.
It's a rainbow after the rain. Clar, i really cherish this friendship with you ;D
Saturday, February 6, 2010 10:41 PM

Don mistaken her. I know the picture looks like she is a guy,
but she is TOK HUI MIN!
Don be took shock also. She piggyback me almost everyday in school. LOL!
Kay, me love her!

I know the picture very cute ;D I mean, the DOG :D LOL!
He looks like a toy man! He is real CUTE! Hahaha!
Saw him in Fragrant, then me and kiampei played with him :D
I was see him again!
ps : Photos hasn't been edited, due to my laziness =.=
Hi guys, i am back.. Has been sick the pass few days, until now. Hais.. Coughing like siao nowadays. Alright, today had training, after training was rotten @ home for super long then finally at night was allowed to go out. HAHAHA! Was like super high playing bball w/ QiXuan & Niny. After tht go slack. Then home-d..
-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.
`† N439
Labels ; My 6 letters =.=
I wont get affected. TRUST ME! I am super de positive. Haha! Who cares!?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 10:04 PM
TOH YAN LING IS SICK! As expectted. LOL!
Monday, February 1, 2010 9:24 PM
Heart shattered. ; The history is gonna repeat itself!
My sore throat is back. Hope is not as bad as tht time one. Tht time one is like machiam KiamPei now de. HAHA! Alrights, today had school. Left class @ 12 for National school games opening ceremony. Then after the event, went fragrant. Took milo and shared with them :D HAHAHA! After tht accompany KiamPei go Causeway change clothes. Then bought things, and came back fragrant. Slack, and study. Then after tht home-d. I am rushing cause my head is turning. And, i need sleep now. Sorry guys. i know i miss out alot things. Bye!
-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.
`† N439
Labels ; Heart Shattered.