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Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:55 PM

(QiaoQiao, TongTong, WenWen, XuanXuan :D)
(Kellyn, Yanling, LiWen, SiewPeng :D)

Today was fun in class. But i am very super tired. Ms ANGIE no come (YES!!!) Not feeling well during Ms Lam period. Then slept during last period. Ms Lilys de. She also don care. Plus i tell her i not feeling well. HAHA! Andnd, maths remedial was CANCEL today! SO HAPPY! She say give us a break today. Lmao! Then after tht when down for training. Was HYPER after tht. Siao ehs? hahas! Andnd, LITZE is BACK! Welcome yeah! take care okays! Alrights. then have training. Was like so damn tough?! Had alot running. Think stamina increase after today. Hahas! 1% increase. =.= LOL! Then after tht had shutter run across the court in MANY direction. Was super tired. Dehydrated sia! I don dare drink too much water =.= cause i vomited. AHA! alrights, my speed was 42 seconds? Eh, is SLOW kays. Junior got 41 lehs! SzePing run SUPER fast. OMG! Passing is 45 for girls and 42 for boys. Well done all! All manage to pass! HAHA! Congratz! Alot ppl leg cramp, including me! Haaha! All must take care alrights! Drink more water and, do more stretching! Took second temperature after running. Was 37.7 Degree. LOL! So funny! Cause all is above 37.5 one... hahas! Alrights! After tht go home with Grace, budden saw Winnie playmate. Say stayed with them slack (: Was with Winnie, HweeGeok, Charissa, Isaac, Kaung & Darren. Hahas! Fun luhs. (: Thenthen go home early as i told mummy i will be back at 8 but i reach only at 8.20. LOL! Lucky she no scold. I now wondering if i should complete homework or not. I am super damn tired. Don feel like doing. Budden, tmr i am gonna be guai kia. STUDY! MONDAY COMMON TEST! GOOD LUCK ALL! End here, bye! Take care!
i miss him alot, alot, alot.

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; Imissyou alot.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 6:54 PM

my post nowadays very short. I also dunno why. Just don feel like posting. Nth more to write also. Had school in the morning. Slept for many lesson. Even though i sleep at 9.30PM yesterday. Which is like so damn early. HAHA! Then after tht got training. Was fun luhs. Juniors was all great. And, SzePing, don take it to heart okay? I am not blaming you. No one is blaming you. Cheer up alrights! You are the best! Alrights, today play match. I fall down at the begining. Wth!? Lol! Was i being pushed. Oh well, is pass things. Shall not bring it up. ShiYin also fall down. SHE DAMN CUTE! Her life till now, for 14 years, this is the second time she fall down. DAMN FUNNY HER! she took the picture of the scar on her leg. OMG! Hers is more serious then mine. She slide one on the floor. OMG! LOL! Alrights. Shall end here. Er, my com got problem, cannot upload photos. Will upload, ASAP alrights! Take care readers!
Tag replies:
Litze: LOL! Okokay, i will change luhs. LOL!

Sharon: WHT SIAO!? hahas, alrights! You take care too. Your hand! Handicap!

June: You very clever mehs? I more clever then you! Hahas!

Andrew: Hahas, thanks (:

Darren: Hahas, okokays.

HuiShin: LOL! Eh, sorry didnt attend it. Was really tired tht day. SORRY! I miss you guys!

Megan & SiuHui: Hi guys! Thanks for tagging!

Shermen: THT ONE ALSO CALL POST!? SHIT LORHS! Not long, mean.. Not tht kinda thing. UNDERSTAND!? Stupid GIANT!



Yvonne: LOL! Yo! Okokays!

Grace: LOL! Nvm luhs..

Wenhui: YOU JUNIOR! I miss you too! Hahas! (*PUKE*)

Jasmine: Shortie! Hahas! Okokays. Love you always too!
Happy belated birthday to
I miss you guys!

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; I have nvr walk pass tht place ever since wht happen. But i did today. Memories just flow back tht couldnt stop me from tear-ing. I really miss you. I really do.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 8:40 PM

No mood to post today. Seriously, ppl. MSG ME! I am bored. Missing him already.. Hais! Bye guys.

Monday, July 27, 2009 11:24 AM

I am SICK today. Didnt attend school. Hais. Having bad headache.. Gonna study later. My books in school. hais, Heck care luhs!
You really change alot. Can you stop being like this? It really hurts me seeing you like tht. I want you as my friend, as my instructor. Please, i beg you. Stop all those nonsense can you?

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; I have nvr ever forgotten you, CQT..

Sunday, July 26, 2009 10:34 PM

I am really confuse now. I really dunno wht to do. Today when Edwin told me bout you. I am enlighten. But in the same time, i am not. My feelings for you has faded, yes. But, i still cant get you off my mind. I wanted to msg you, but i don dare. Even if i do, you wont even bother to reply. Not even to look at it. I am really scared. I wanted to confess, but tht was months ago. Now, i am really afraid. Afraid tht i would fall for you the second time. Edwin told me something, i was damn happy. But i wasnt in the same time. The girl you looking for will not be me. I should let my heart die for you and open it out for others. But, its just very difficult for me to.

People say tht i have fallen in for you, me myself nvr reject. But i know you wont accept me and we wont have a good ending. You are leaving, aren't you? Let my heart die bahs..

Sorry boy, but i just cant. Don make me hate you, i wouldn't like tht. I want you as my friend, not enemy.

Why have everything turns out to be like tht? Seriously, i hate tht feeling.

Holy COW! Again, i happen to pass by Matthew Zachary Liu's blog. OMG! I just love his post. All very interesting. Check this out :

The Length of Decency

Girls these days are showing too much skin. Not that i'm complaining, I believe in "flaunt it if you've got it". Besides, if any guy seriously doesn't do a double take at any girl who wears a little too little, he's either attached to a damn lucky girl or he's officially gay.

Now girls, before you start accusing guys of being perverts ogling you, be honest with yourself because i'm pretty certain your very intentions when picking your choice of clothes, is to be looked at.

But here's the thing.. where do you draw the line of decency?

I used to think miniskirts were quite a daring piece of clothing but apparently, the length of shorts girls put on these days are even way more revealing.

I've got to say individuals who put on such shorts have a heck lot of guts! But girls, really, don't you feel as if you're walking around half naked for the sake of comfort or looking sexy?

I mean, the shorts some of you girls wear these days are literally challenging the definition of the word itself! And there are even those who wear like extremely short shorts (or what they call hot pants) under their already tiny dresses which makes them look as if they've got nothing on under the dress..

I've always wondered, don't you feel as if you're parading around in just your panties? Isn't it awkward having people stare at your body parts or are you secretly enjoying the attention?

Oh by the way, showing your butt crack is disgusting! Your butt crack is in NO WAY sexy. Exposing a bit of ass WILL NOT get people slipping some coins into your slot like a piggybank.

Anyway, clothing is an expression of oneself. That, I totally agree. But by choosing to wear really provocative attire, there might be repercussions to your actions.

Little things such as your choice of clothes may lead to unpredictable circumstances and it isn't always very nice. You want to look sexy (and you have every right to), but sometimes you'll inevitably be attracting the wrong attention or be perceived as a slut.

If being seen as someone hot in the eyes of the male population is your true intention, there are a lot of ways you can go about it, there are so many styles of dressing you can experiment with. Showing more skin doesn't always equate to you being sexier.

If you were to ask me what I find sexiest about a girl, i'd say confidence. A girl who is able to carry herself really well, who is articulate and eloquent, who has her own style, simply a girl who knows who she is and proud of it.. that's sexy.

Then again, every individual has the right to define their own sense of style that portrays the image they want. I'm not trying to say wearing too little is bad or wrong because certain occasions really calls for us to dress up (or down for this matter) and i'm not exactly a conservative person but my question is, where do you draw the line of decency?

Adapted from: http://www.matt.sg
Written by: Matthew Zachary Liu
I totally agree with this post. As a girl myself, i don wear tht kinda short shorts. Ppl may find me 'Out-Of-Fashion' but i, myself don think so. Is your own fashion sense. Come'on! (: Matthew post just inspire me alot and alot.


Friday, July 24, 2009 11:54 PM

Had a great day in school, WRITING LINES (: Hahas! not punishment, is ownself de. Shhhh! Secret! (: LOL! Wasnt listening at all. LOL! Took alot pictures with CP2, which was like, i dunno how long no taken le. Alrights, after school when out with CP2. SiewPeng, Kellyn & LiWen. Was suppose to meet Darren @ 12.30pm. Budden i wanna hang out with CP2, so meet him at 3. We walk around causeway, then went to print pictures. I promise i will put the pictures up sometimes kay? I will. (: hahas! Alrights.. I SAW FUCHUNIANS! OMG! I miss them alrights! ZiQing, HuiShin, Jindee & most important, FELIZ CHAN! Shit her luhs! She see me run away. I HATE HER! LOL! Kidding luhs. Ai ta dou lai bu ji. (: LOL! Then after tht chatted, then go walkwalk. Meet up with Darren. CP2 was damn funny. Love them lots. Hahas! Then after tht they left. Sharon came! Hahas! I went LJS to find sweelove. She is damn HOT with her jersey. LOL! Then after tht go back mac with her friend. Hmmm, saw Tim. And damn him! Nvr bring earpieces. RAH! I want earpieces sia! SHIT HIM! LOL! Then NVM! I got to see my PHONE! LOL! Took MY phone from him. So COOL! I miss it so damn much! Hahas! Then after tht awhile, darren went YTSA meeting, then sharon go home. I go find MsOng. Damn it, got something happen which is kinda funny. I was laughing myself too. LOL! I was like damn freaking blur. LOL! I don wish to say AGAIN. MsOng was laughing like mad when i told her bout wht happen. WTH!? NVM! Rah! GOT ONE PRIMARY 5 BOY DAMN CUTE! KAO! I wanna take his picture, he don let. WTH!! He damn cute luhs! His brother also. His brother is Sec1. hahas! They both damn cute luhs! LOL! Hmmm, then after tht left at 9. Saw Aunty Angeline outside, she ask me wanna join for 'BBQ-ING' mahs. then i say anything.. Since i also havent eat. Then go the jogging track thr beside ChristChurch. It was a small portable bbq pit. HAHA! Damn cute! LOL! Ate alot chicken wings (: Hahas! Then we was walking in the track. DAMN DARK! Then i keep telling ghost story. The smallest is only Primary 2, then biggest is me. Second olderest is a primary 5 one. LOL! Then after tht go MAC eat ice-cream, but i nvr. I dunno why, i am different from other kids. I don really like ice-cream. But i like MacFlurry. Hahas! Drink coke nia. Then go home. Hahas! Btw, saw someone while crossing the traffic. Suay! I wanted to forget him. PLEASE! Hais! End here. Nights! And, thanks Tim (:

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; Maybe is time i should give up one you.
I am afraid tht i would fall for you.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:43 PM

YANLING is tired, tired. Really very tired..

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 8:24 PM
Happy birthday to Vanalyn, JunWei, WanJing & Mr Billy!

(Vanalyn & WanJing Cake)

(Vanalyn making her wishes :D)

Training was DAMN FUN today! OMG! Guess wht happen! Hahas! Before training starts, seniors and some of teammates all pulling Vanalyn back. WHY? Because we wanted to give her a BIRTHDAY SURPRISE! And of cos to WANJING! Hahas! Then after tht they came, we sing birthday song. Was like so damn hyper lorhs! Then after tht cut cake for all to eat. I cut some (: Coach say i no skill! WTH!? LOL! Today is also Mr Billy & JunWei's birthday. Very QIAO rights!? LOL! 4 ppl in Basketball birthday sia! OMG! Hahas! Then after celebrating Van's birthday, we eaten the cake, then chatted with Coach awhile then training starts. We run only 5 rounds! OMG! LOVE COACH ALOT! Hahas! Then did the set1, if i not wrong. Then after tht break, We sang Mr Billy birthday song. Cool~ Haha! Then after tht do 3 ManWave and 3vs2. Was like so damn fun! OMG! Then after tht coach say BREAK. Then we all go drink water. Suddenly all seniors thr. Then YongLin call us gather. Say want give MrBilly Surprise. Then YongLin took cake, then open ECA room then all sing HappyBirthdaySong! Mr Billy say out his wishes which is like... UH.... LOL!
MR BILLY : I say out the wishes arh. Er, hope all study well and ZHAOYANG grow taller.
The GuiRu extra go say : THEN YANLING LEHS!?
(Cause i shorter then ZhaoYang)
MR BILLY : Arh.... Hope all study will and YANLING, ZHAOYANG GROW TALLER!
LOL! We was laughing... =.=!
Then after tht, the seniors boy all go take cake make Mr Billy. Kao, lucky no tio. I was standing beside Mr Billy. Hahas! Then we Mr Billy's hair and shirt kena. Hahas! I was laughing like mad. Took pictures.. Then coach cut cake, then suddenly boy crowded together, girls don care. Then suddenly all shouted. JunWei Kena CAKE. His birthday today. Then after tht we Sec2 plan something, SING BIRTHDAY SONG TO WANJING! Then the boy seniors all crazy. Hand take cake, then after song, all go make WanJing. Damn Funny! Then after tht, i extra go say we got one more birthday girl. Then Boy senior all go make Vanalyn. She kena alot. LOL! Super funny. I was laughing like mad lorhs! Hahas! Then after tht clear up, then go play a bit bball. Play match. Damn Shiok! Long time no play ler! HAHAS! Love it man! Then after tht go home (: Got alot of homework, but seriously, i don feel like doing. Hais! Then tmr early release. Coach say go fragrant train. (: hahas! Wearing jersey? Haha! Then MAYBE got tickets to the Kobe Bryant thingy. OMG! I AM SO NOT GOING TO MISS IT! HAHAS! LOVE KOBE BRYANT! (L)
Tag Replies :
SuiHui: LOL! Why surprise! Lmao!

Sharon : Love too (L) Meet up soon!

YiWei : YALUHS, YALUHS! Next time want make love, go eslewhr, don make at my table, i will jealous de.

Megan : Will link you ASAP alrights! (:

Timothy : Yeah, will link you ASAP! (:


-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; You changed.

Monday, July 20, 2009 10:06 PM

(Yanling, tht's me :D)

Omg! Today is like such a good day. Hahas! Everything happen today was damn funny and great. Hahas! I can remember the most is today in LIT lesson. Hahas! Ms Angie wanna call ppl ans ques. MS ANGIE: I will call ppl to answer question.
YANLING: (Starting to feell nervous, cause always kena one.)
MS ANGIE: Don worry, i will call those very QUIET ones.
YANLING: (Starting to relax.. Cause i in class very noisy one.)
YANLING: (SHOCKED) CHER! Since when i in class quiet one sia!?
LOL! After tht, the whole class was laughing like no body business. Really mahs, i very noisy one, then she call me. Shit her luhs! LOL! Super funny. then i dunno how ans,
YANLING: Er, i all ques got do, except this one (REALLY)
MS ANGIE: Then you will give me your answer NOW.
YANLING: Cher, wht you mean by *TheQuestion*
MS ANGIE: Huh!? I have been explaining and you have not been listening?
YANLING: Huh!? I nvr hear sia!
MS ANGIE: Fine, you will continue standing.
LOL! DAMN FUNNY LUHS! Her lessons rocks luhs. Alot laughter. Today is the most fun one. Hahas! Alrights, have dunno wht stupid workshop on "SpeakUp" LOL! Stupid sia. Then after tht go out slack. Then meet up with Darren, RETURN him his bag. WAHH! I will miss his crumpler de. Hais! Then after tht go meet up with my dear boyf. Sorry to keep him waiting. LOL! I run thr okay! LOL! Andnd, he bought me KINDER WHITE & ICE-CREAM for my our 3rd month. He rocks okays! LOL! HAPPY 3rd MONTH W/ QINENG BOYFRIEND! Love him till the max ! The end (:

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; Thanks Tally for the PHONE!

Sunday, July 19, 2009 7:16 PM
th 19



Yesh, today's the NINETEEN. Lol. Hmmm, nvr do much thing today. And i super despo for drink now. Hope can meet up with winnie later. PLEASE! And hope tally work hurry finish. Hahas, then maybe he can help me buy also. Please, please! I forgot to ask him wht time work ends. Hais! But should be around 10? TOO LATE! Rah! And, i am damn hungry now, dunno why suddenly headache. Very pain. Then afternoon, eyes damn RED. One big one small. Lol! Sian.. Now eyes also very pain. Think is not enough sleep bahs? LOL! Amos kor luhs! Wake me up in the morning, his fault luhs. Rah! Lol! Kays, shall ends here. I want my dinner. And, i hope tally work hurry finish and mummy let me out later. PLEASE!

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; It's the 6th month. I know you wouldnt care. Should i give up?
Even if i does, i also wont go with you, sorry.. Darren

Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:45 PM

Alrights, today was a good day, but wasnt in mood. Then my fucking phone make me very angry. Damn it lorhs. Got problem again. I lazy take back repair.. Hais. Talk back to mummy afew times. Went out with mummy and the RC, to Vivo, then Mount Faber. Went Mount Faber to watch fire-works. Thanks someone for accompany me text-ing (: And, dunno why this few days very despo for drinks. You know wht i am refering to. Maybe cause i miss him too much, maybe cause school reopens and everything came back. Idk. Tmr is the 19, mermories is flowing back. I try not to think of it as much as possible, but i cant stop myself from doing it. Hais. This is not a good month. Alot things is happening and is not wht we expected. Hope all this can stop..

Tomorrow's the 19. I know you will forget. But nvm, i have been use to it. Memories will be kept inside forever. Thr's no turning back, i know. I still wanna thanks you for all those wonderful memories you gave me. Atleast, it's a sweet one. The best 4 months you have given me. Thanks you. And, its the 6th month. Atleast, we are still friends? I miss you, ChuQiTong
Tag Replies:
Shermen: I like it, why? Cannot arhs?!

Jindee: LOL! Will link ASAP :) Hahas!

ZJ, Darren & Jerry: Yo guys! :D

Sharon: LOL! Nth to be sorry of :) Hahas! Eh, why don want, sobb!

HuiShin: OOONNNGG HHHUUUIIISSSHHHIIINNN, I win. Mine more then yours (: Hahas!


-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; Thanks guy!

Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:40 PM

It was a bad day today. Rah! Was totally headache in the morning, didnt have tht bloody mood to listen to cher. It was only the first period and my mind is in lalaland. Lol! I was sleeping, then went cher ask them to complete assignment, i wake up, then i was puzzle why all so quite, doing thr work. Then i ask GuanYi, she scolded me urgh. Then i give her one very Dulan face. Because seriously, i am very sick at tht time, then she scolded me. Wth?! Then after tht, English was better, cause Amos LOH was thr to cheer me up. He damn funny. Hahas! Alright, have Science. Tht damn teacher, i hate her man! She sucks! LOL! Ms Yang. She treat us like primary kids lorhs, i don like her teaching. Then my homework only ONE bloody question no do, she ask me go sit outside class do. Wth!? LOL! Actually, i prefer sitting outside then inside having her lesson. LOL! Alright, was asleep during GEO lesson. Then Ms Lam suddenly call me "YANLING" then i was "HUH" shock sia! then she say "Are you with me?" "YES, I AM" "You using Handphone arhs?" Then i shouted across the class "NO!" LOL! Damn funny! then after school, go Mac meet with Darren Sim, AGAIN. Was bored. Hahas! Winnie came after tht. Then something crop up, me and winnie went causeway. After everything, came back, then i was reading my storybook, Timothy was here. After tht i left. Mummy was nagging. Then half way, she say she will late reach home. =.= I was rushing like dunno wht lorhs! I was very down at tht time, so called Boyfriend, ask him free me, acc me slack. He ask me pei him go vista but SOCKS. =.= LOL! So i acc him go lorhs. I veh good de :D after tht bought his socks, he treat me eat Kinder! Cause i was feeling down. Hahas! I tell him treat me. LOL! He damn good kays! I love him till the max! LOL! Then after tht left vista and headed home-d (:

TohQiNengBoyfriend ; 20April2009
`Thank you for always sharing things with me.
`Thank you for always lending me your ears.
`Thank you for willing to hear my complains
`Thank you for always cheering me up no matter wht.
`Thank you for all the care and concern you gave me always.
`Thank you for not giving me any cold shoulders before.
`Thank you for always being thr for your girlfriend.
`Thank you for all the things you have done for me.
`Thank you for the chocolate you bought for me today.
-ThankYou boyf, i love you till the max. I will nvr forget you (:


Happy 2ndmonth with Sharon Sweetlove. She has been always thr for me no matter wht. Sorry sweetlove for all the attitude i gave you. I love you till the max and i am sure our love will last long. Hahas! I GIVE you all my love (: LOL!


-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; ChuQiTong, do you know tht i am always waiting for you? 6 months ago till now, my heart has never change, because i want you.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 6:44 PM

(I miss basketball alot. I want trainings back, and i mean it. )

Schooling today was quite STUPID!. LOL! Morning was a unhappy start of my day. It was raining like MAD okays! I was wet when i enter school, and thr was many pairs of eyes on me. =.= i am wet okay.! LOL! Was folding paper crane. Hahas! Had pe, and sad to say, my bloody hell stamina drop like mad kays! WT... Today run up down stairs 2 rounds nia, i run first round no energy, then i was telling myself, "YANLING, YOU CANNOT LOSE OUT! MUST GO TRAIN LIAO!" And so, i decided to train. (: Then............ skip, Got ppl say my blog too long, shall cut short (: Then after school go civil centre with LiuJin, she wanted to borrow books. Then i go find Darren. His friend was thr too. Timothy, think so. Hahas! They two damn funny okays! Darren is such a failure. His English fail! Don even know how spell 'PERSUADE" Pro right him. Hais! Then he say he know how spell. We bet, if he know how spell, i treat him, if he dunno, he treat me. I WIN! He loss to one Sec2. Lousy! Then Chinese Han Yu Pin Ying also fail. HAIS! Lol! Alrights, after tht left at 5, go down to tekong find WinnieT. She damn cute okays! Hahas! After tht home-d (:
Tag replies:
Regine: LOL! Happy BELATED 8 month (: Don put tht face luhs! =.=

Shermen: GIANT! You finally tag my blog! Waha! =.= You are LAME!

June: LOL! wht chio bu, don anyh. hahas! Er, you are cute! Hahas! Imy <3

Sharon: May i know **** means? LOL! Don copy Darren, use my word horhs! hahas! And, you can always choose not to do tht quiz (:

Zena: HELLO! Yeah, long time no see! Imy alot man! Hahas! I am fine (:


-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; We pretend tht we nvr see each other, but inside my heart, i did see you.

Monday, July 13, 2009 9:40 PM


The person who tagged you ? June

Your relationship with him / her ? Ex-Neighbour/GanMei/Jie

Your first impression of him / her ? Er, dunno. She very cute luhs!

Your most memorable moment with him / her is ? Use to go her house EVERYDAY.

The most memorable thing he / she say to you ? Dunno? o.0

If he / she become your enemy , what will you do ? Wont de luhs. Unless the sky falls.

If he / she become your enemy , the reasons will be ? WONT DE LUH!

The most DESIRED thing you wan to do who him / her is ? Er, dunno. LOL!

The overall impression of him / her ? CUTE! FUN! GREAT SISTER!

The characteristic you hate most about yourself ? Attitude sucks.

The most ideal person you wan to be ? Nobody's perfect.

For people who care & love you , say smthing to them : I LOVE YOU ALL!


1. Clarissa
2. Winnie
3. Sharon
4. Veron
5. Feliz
6. Darren
7. GuiRu
8. Litze
9. Samantha
10. Vanalyn

Who is 6 having relationship with`Darren : No one. HE DON WANT TELL ME LUHS!

Is 9 a male or a female `Samantha : MALE! LOL! Of cos female luhs.!

What is 2 studying at the moment `Winnie : Wht human studys =.=

Who was the last person you had a chat with on the list : Sharon

What kind of music does 8 like `Litze : HOW WOULD I KNOW!?

Does 1 have any sibling `Clarissa : dunno lehs, i think got bahs.

Is 4 single`Veron : DUNNO BREAK LER MAHS. LOL!

What is the surname of 5` Feliz : AH CHAN!

What's the hobby of 3 `Sharon : NetBall?

Do 7 and 9 get along well `GuiRu * Samantha : Oh, YES!

Where is 10 studying at `Vanalyn : Woodgrove Sec .

Say something casul bout ur eyes : ??? NO LINK.

Have you tried developing feeling for 2 `Winnie : We have feelings ler, don need develop. =.=

Where does 9 live `Samantha : Her house. =.=

What colour does 4 like `Veron : You think i him arhs? How would i know!

Are 5 and 1 good friends `Clarissa & Feliz : They don evey know each others

Does 2 like 7 `Winnie & GuiRu : Don think they know each other VERY WELL.

How did you get to know 8 ` : WGS BASKETBALL (:

Does 3 have any pets `Sharon : Don think so.

Is 7 sexiest person in this world `GuiRu : Oh, YES!

What am i doing now :The Quiz luhs, lame sia!

~ END ~


Adapted from Matthew's blog

OMG! I pass by Matthew Zachary's blog and i saw this post on the Saturday, July 11. The topic is 'Fuck You"
Shock right? This is how the post goes. Some of you may agree with Matthew like i do, but some of you don. I am sure thr will be some ppl in your life tht likes saying vulgarities, like me. But i don do it offen now, only when i am pissed off. Comment bout this post, it looks long, but it is really meaningful. Go on. (:

Fuck You!

Shocking isn't it? Words you'd probably never hear me say, let alone type. I used to cringe every time I hear a profanity but being in an environment and society where sex, gossip and cursing are fast becoming an every day conversation, i've grown pretty immune to it..

We are a changing generation and vulgarities are now nothing out of the ordinary. There used to be a time where we'd get reprimanded just by saying "shit or damn" in primary school, these days you hear 10 year olds screaming loudly and proudly about the body part of their mother from which they popped out from in all sort of different dialects.

I've often been curious to know why and how people can use such explicit words without batting an eyelid. "Fuck" has apparently become the new conversational habit and summary of emotions to everything..

Woke up late? Fuck. Passed your test? Fuck yeah. Dropped your phone? Fuck. Fat? Fuck you. Pissed off? Fuck off. Shit can't seem to come out of your ass? Now thats really fucked up.

Then there are those who, wanting to be a little bit more saintly, use alternative terms such as "fark, f*ck, fcuk, f-ed up!".. it really doesn't matter which variation you use because you meant to say the word anyway so you might as well spell it right.

Perhaps people swear because they think its cool, adds a bit of power and authority to their image. But I reckon its actually quite the opposite.. when you scream a vulgarity, accidental or not, it sort of gives you a negative image?

Lets just say you see this really hot hunk or babe at a party and you're all smitten observing your eye candy from a far.. just as you pluck up the courage to approach this hot stuff, you hear him/her say "No fucking way, you're not fucking around with me are you? That is so fucked up!". Your impression of that person might instantly change and its usually not for the better.

And the thing is, if you keep using vulgarities in your everyday conversation, its going to come so naturally that you'll sometimes forget where you are and who you're speaking to when you let slip the wrong word. That's not going to be very nice especially when you're meeting an important business client or some cute new person.

For most people, swearing is an ethical question. There's a line dividing the people who are against or for it. I'm personally not entirely against vulgarities, I just wonder why we as a society utter such words so openly and freely..

Thats not to say I don't swear. I do. But the only time I curse out loud is when I am extremely pissed or in pain and screaming a profanity is like instant remedy that conveys the exact extent of my bloody emotion.

Imagine this, when I accidently hit my toe against the table, I wouldn't be saying "Wah lou eh! Why am I so clumsy! Damn pain man!". I'd naturally yell out something that gets my emotion and obvious pain across and goes to ease some tension as well.

Some might scoff and argue that there are still better words that can be used. I can obviously find a better word but in such an instance, I don't want to describe my emotion, I want to express it. Even with an extensive vocabulary, sometimes a good swear word is exactly the right choice of words.

Those rare times when I do swear, others immediately know that i'm not merely offering an impartial assessment of my feelings.. I really am feeling that particular way. So its not because I don't know how to choose a different word, but because English doesn't provide one that gets the message across as effectively.

Hmm.. what i'm trying to say in this entire post is, there's nothing extremely wrong about swearing (to each our own), but maybe we need to consider and be more aware of the context and situation before we spew such words?

I think swearing should be done sparingly and away from innocent bystanders who might find it offensive (and also because its rude, really). Using vulgarities too often not only gives others a negative impression of us but also dilutes the power of the word when we really require it..

Its just like how saying "I love you" too often and loosely completely kills the meaning and essence of it and you're just going to find it hard when you really want to express your true affections to your significant other.

Okay maybe wrong example but you get my point, right? Haha. Anyway, I'd just like to ask you.. what are your views and opinions regarding the use of swear words?

(Its just like how saying "I love you" too often and loosely completely kills the meaning and essence of it and you're just going to find it hard when you really want to express your true affections to your significant other. )

I totally agree to this passage, so guys, pls be careful on wht you told girls. Girls are sensitive.

Adapted from : Http://matt.sg OR http://www.matthew-zachary.blogspot.com/
Written by : Matthew Zachary Liu


Yesterday go out with Clarissa, Winnie, Sharon & ShuiYi to celebrate Clar's birthday. Had a great day out with them. Love them all. The End.

Darren Sim Zong Ying, thanks for the crumpler bag, i will take very good care of it (: It will be yours after 1 week. Thanks alot! Cannot step, Cannot wet, Cannot Draw, Cannot place it on floor, Cannot put heavy things, and most of all, MUST TAKE GOOD CARE OF IT (:
Tag Replies :
Darren: LOL! STUPID YOU! Bully me one!(My neat hair!) Shit you!
Josephine: Haha, yup, see you soon too (:
Sharon: Fun luhs (: Thanks for your shoulders! (L)

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; I don understand. 6 more days, should i give up?

Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:16 AM

Was back from winnie house. Quite tired luhs... Hahas! Went over thr to stay over night. Alrights, thanks 'someone' who accompany msg the whole night (: Winnie was talking on phone, i was msg-ing. Ahahas! Slept at around 2 plus. woke up at 9 plus, and veh tired now. Hahas!
Tag replies
PeiLing: LOL! Your eyes look like as if want eat me up. Hahas! Okokays.
Jasmine: Shorty! Who say i miss you? Bhb! LOL! Eh, i don want link you lehs, Bleah!
Sharon: Hahas! Yeah.. Go events together next time kays! And, Darren's your pig arhs? I am his pig sia. I also dunno how i become his pig, he suddenly keep calling me HIS PIG. =.=

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; Ahhhhhhh! My musical life starts tomorrow!

Saturday, July 11, 2009 12:56 PM
A day @ Singapore Indoor Stadium


(My post today will be SUPER long)

Morning had school, after tht meet up with sharon sweetlove. I was late. Cause of the stupid damn bus 901 to causeway. LOL! Then i was waiting for 962. Sweetlove ask me take mrt faster, i RUN up to mrt. LOL! Reach-ed Mac. Ate with sweetlove and her friend. Saw Instructor WeiMing thr. I was like keep "INSTRUCTOR WEIMING" 3times kays! He nvr hear dao. LOL! After tht Nasha was here. Me and sweetlove went to changed. After tht took MRT to DG with Nasha, Sweetlove and 3 of sweetlove schoolmate. One of them was PhekSiang, my groupmate. Went we was outside Mac, We saw a few ppl. All sweetlove schoolmates/classmates. Then one of them is 'Ahem' then i Sweetlove suddenly dunno wht happen, chiong to Mrt, then i was like CLUELESS wht happen. I keep ask, she don want say, then i ask Nasha, she say is 'Ahem'. Then i was like, "WHR? WHR? WHO? WHO? TELL ME! WHICH ONE!?" Then Nasha told me all their name, i was like. " WTH? I don even know them! How you expect me to know which one is which one is 'AHEM'!??" then Nasha and Sweetlove was thr laughing. Then Sweetlove was, " EH, NASHA, DON TELL HER LUHS!" Then i keep, "Eh, NASHA! tell me, tell me, HURRY!"Then after tht when they came up the mrt thr, then nasha say HI to them. Aha! Finally, i know who's AHEM. LOL! Then after tht we took mrt to DG, then bus-ed to IndoorStadium. Was quite near luhs. Hahas! Reach-ed. Not so many ppl was thr. Then we help-ed up on the putting of direction. Sweetlove was SMS-ing DARREN. Lol! Then after tht we saw a WHOLE LOT of ppl, all YTSAs. They walking IN to IndoorStadium. Adam super funny, he say a big bunch of AHLIANs. Cause all girls. Aha! Then after tht we help out, then those who go in Stadium was out. All got tag. The we was all like, "EHEH!? HOW YOU ALL GET THE TAGS WANT!?" they say is USHER. Then we was like, "SO GOOD! I ALSO WANT BE USHER!" Lol! They got to stay in AIR-CON places, and me, IN SUCH A HOT PLACE ONLY WITH FANS. LOL! After Darren came. Sharon was CRAZY. Ahaaaass! Then me, sweetlove and nasha was doing the goodies bags counter thingy. From 4 or 5 plus till 7 plus. And was STANDING throughout. =.= And we have been saying the same thing.. "Hi, can i have your ticket/s pls?" "Thankyou, this is yours(passing goodie bag/s to them) Have a nice day, enjoy your show" CAN YOU IMAGINE, WE HAVE BEEN SAYING THT FOR HOURS! LOL! Then tht Adam super funny. Cause at counter, we take the tickets, we have to write a C thr, means COLLECTED. Then Adam not counter de. He is helping with the Goodies. Then he keep, "EH, LET ME DRAW C LEHS" Then me and sweetlove was laughing. Then he ownself go take PEN. Then go write on ppl tickets. Then thr was this JieJie, from AYG de. we call her JieJie. Then she say Adam promote himself. Then we was LAUGHING. After tht we don let adam do. He ownself de-promote to the goodies thr. LOL! THR WAS ALOT SHUAI GE KAYS! LOL! Actually, standing thr is GREAT. Can see alot shuai ge. LOL! Andnd, i saw Fuchunian again. OMG! Ahas! I saw LEMUEL! LOL! Sweetlove and Nasha say he SHUAI. OMG!??? Ahas! Then around 7 plus, when finally thr was no ppl coming in, we took our goodies bag and went in to IndoorStaduim. Our goodie bags was different from the others. Those we got is Specially for YTSA! AND guess wht inside got FRISIA! LOL! dunno correct spelling or not. Outside sell tht lion for like super damn expensive sia. And we got it for free! Is like so DAMN CUTE! I will nvr regret myself being thr once, and being part of ASIA FIRST EVER ASIAN YOUTH GAMES! WAHHHHHH!!! Alrights! Then we went in IndoorStadium. OMG! Sun Yan Zi was here sia! today is her concert. And we got to see it YESTERDAY! First time see her live. She is DAMN PRETTY! Ohgosh! No wonder my brother is a fan of hers. hahas! Nasha went off early, think cause she very tired bahs. Hahas! Left at 10 plus, when the concert is still on. Hahas! After tht we go to busstop. We miss 3 bus. All was FULLY!. LOL! Sharon wanted to meet w/ darren. So we waited for him. Then Matthew and others mange to board bus, we couldnt. Hahas! Bus came quite fast after tht. Bus-ed to City-Hall. Meet up with Matthew and others. then after we go eat, we were all rushing. Cause is around 12 plus. Scare no bus. Then after tht Finish eating, we saw one bus to Sembawang. then we took it. Was like so damn funny in the bus. Alot thing happen only in the BUS. LOL! Sweetlove and WeiMing has not enough money. Then the price was like 3.50 person. SIAO ONE! Cause Friday. Dunno wht crap is tht luhs. Then we at tht time is totally no money, only tht sharon has 50 bucks, but no change. Then poor Darren have to lend his 2dollar, then still short of money. Then i don have a single cents with me. Only E-zlink. Then thr this uncle. He gave us 2 bucks. OMG! SERIOUSLY! THANK YOU UNCLE. He is damn KIND.! OMG! Then after tht they give bus fare, then all sit down. I shouldnt have taken out my earpiece. =.= Because tht stupid Darren is fighting for MY earpiece. Then he is sitting opp me. I have to bend my backbone just to share ear piece with him. Shyt him! Lol! After tht we decided to change sit. Then started playing Scissors'Paper'Stone just to change sit. =.= Ahhas! In the end Darren changed with Sweetlove. LOL! Then me and sweelove keep deesiao Daren, We keep " EHEH, we can alight here lehs, EHEH, MY HOUSE THR NIA!" LOL! Super funny luhs! cause is at Woodlands thr mahs. Hahas! Then we very good we accompany WeiMing to his house thr. haha! Then cab home. Sharon pay for the cab money! LOL! Thanks sweelove! I love you till the max okays! Haha! Darren reach home first then me, last is sharon. Cause she giving cab money. If not is she first, i last. hahas!

Sharon lend Darren her 120 plus buck watch sia! Then Darren was like crazy bout tht watch.
Andnd, Darren wanted to lend me his 180 plus buck crumpler bag. OMG! I have been longing for tht bag for dunno how long ler lorhs. Lol! Thanks DarrenSimZY. (: Ahahas!

Thanks Sweetlove for the wonderful day. I really enjoy myself (: Love you ever :D

Thursday, July 9, 2009 6:23 PM
It would be 7 days down!

(TwoZeroZeroSeven, WoodgrovePrimary6H)

Today practically suck luhs! Didnt go down for the AYG packing. Like so stupid!? In class damn the bored. I was like playing the games in my phone through out. Lol! And, this few days, temperature getting higher and higher. Normally is always 36.1 to 36.8. Veh less got go up.. If got go up means soon thr will be fever. Then just now took temperature was 37.4.... WTH!? i hope i don get run down by fever. If not i would be qurrantine sia! Which like, i don want to. Even though don need go school luhs, but imagine 7 days CANNOT step out of house. LOL! Then this few days also HEADACHE. =.= my bad records coming back, and NO, i don want go back hospital for checkups. Wth?? Rah! Was browsing through my photos and saw many very old photos which makes me go like, WOAH! Ahas! i was laughing too (: I saw Woodgrove Primary 6H 2007 photo. They all look SMALL SIZE! Guess all have grown bahs! Lmao! Andnd, good news! Tmr also got AYA packing. hurray! Suppose more ppl going down tmr? Cause is FRIDAY! Budden the journey down to KALLANG is like so far. Imagine.... Dots! alrights, gonna end here. I go watch my BangBangTang ler (: Byes!

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; I don want get H1N1!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009 9:11 PM

Okay, lets see, how long have i not post? LOL! hmmm, very lazy to post wht happen the pass few days luhs. Ahas! Today i almost fall asleep in class. Is like damn BORED! Lol! Andnd, yeah. My Musical starts on monday, and Ms Thia say must step down from CCA just for the Musical. Wth? Fcuk lorhs! Then like tht i sure no school team. Muscial one week 4 to 5 days. Then i only can attend the saturday training sia. Wth??? Hope Coach understands luhs. hais! Andnd, tmr going Indoor stadium help packing for the AYG appreciation on friday (: YEAH! With YTSAs! Miss them all, especially my group. Waha! Then friday we are involve in the AYG appreciation. ahas! Cool! Hope Matt is thr too! AHHH! Sialuhs! ahas! Just came back from picking up my Second Brother. He go see seiseh(ChineseDoctor). Then he gotten his NDP shirt and shorts. His short is SMALL! For him luhs. VEH SHORT! Then just now he wear let me see, i was laughing like MAD lorhs. Damn funny! Then he go pull down till his butt, then say he wear like tht, my mother and i was laughing like hell lorhs! Damn cute luhs! Lmao! Hahs! Alrights, chill! Tmr meeting sharon then go down together. yeah! LOL! Kays, tht all. Night!

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; This half year is gonna be an exciting year for me! Hurray! GoGoGo!

Sunday, July 5, 2009 10:46 PM
AYG Swimming @ Singapore Sports School With YTSAs

YES! You all nvr see wrong, is KellyLatimer, Me and Matthew Liu. Hahas!

My Gosh! I really cant believe i am taking shoots with them. AHH!

Sorry for the background. LiWen phone. Blame her. Hahas!

One of the Korea Swimmer, MunJun & Me! He shuai right? Hahas!

I am back from Singapore Sports school! Hahas! Met up with KaiLin around 4 plus, then go down to interchange, waited for LiWen group mate. For like 10 mins? Hahas! Then went up bus. Reached the bus stop. Was RAINING! Rah! Thr's no shelter leading to SSS. So, to prevent our hair from getting WET, we took taxi. Woah! Was $3 a trip. 4 Person. Hahas! Alrights, reached, saw alot YTSAs. Sitted with them, then awhile go in ler. Still no ppl at tht time. Waited quite long luhs. My eyes was always at the "platform" Wahha! Then around 6 like tht start. We were all excited. Hahas! Today i very HIGH. I also dunno why. Haha! I cheer like MAD!? Hahas! My voice was even GONE by the end of the events! Hahas! Alright, Quah Ting Wen did SINGAPORE proud! She got GOLD medal! Hahas! Thr's one GOLD, one SILVER & one BROZNE. Gold and Silver is the 50M dunno wht style, then Bronze is boy 4x100 relay. They are all GREAT man! Me and Nasha was like CHEERING like hell! Screamming all the way. We even stand on CHAIR which we nvr yesterday. Was like DAMN HIGH! Sharon sweetlove no high sia! She damn emo.! Lmao! Then after all the events, they play the AYG Theme song. Me and Nasha was like SINGING the song like MAD! Hahas! We are Crazy! Enjoy myself alot today! After the events, went out. Saw a BIG crowd standing thr with few of the KOREA Swimmers. The win alot medals man! Great guys! Hahas! Took picture with one of them, he is shuai kays! Hahas! My first picture with a korean. Lmao! After tht saw a few YTSAs at the seating area taking photos with Singapore Swimmers, so take a little walk down too. But nvr take with them, took pictures with MATTHEW ZACHARY LIU & KELLY LATIMEIR instead. Actually, my real purpose is to take photos with them, not the swimmers :D LoL! Yeah, i mange to take photo with MATTHEW! Gosh! Hey, his my idol kays! So thr's nth wrong bout it (: Hahas! Oh yah! I saw lot Fuchunian thr. OMG! I miss them alrights! Saw Lemuel too! I miss him alot kays! Hahas! Half year no see. LOL! I SAW MR RAJA ALSO! He nvr change, still tht CUTE! WAHHA!... After tht left SSS, took 901. Went Mac to eat w/ MunJun & LiWen. Cool! Home-ed :D
Tag Replies :
Sharon: You today very EMO sia! LOL!

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; Thanks god for giving me miracle once more (:

Saturday, July 4, 2009 10:05 PM

Seriously, i am in LOVE with MATTHEW ZACHARY LIU! OMG! Love as in not tht BG relationship luhs. hahas! Seriously, he rules! Hahas!
Yup, today morning went swimming with Aunty Angeline, her kids and mummy. Was okokay luhs. Hahas! Did some swimming as i long time no swim laps ler. Hahas! Did bout 14 or 15 laps? hahas! Then no breathe. WAHAHA! I am bad, i know. LMAO! Erm, after tht go AMK hub with mummy. Inside nth to walk, so we decided to go out. Bought shoes, Hairband. Nth to buy also. KAO! I saw one shirt i like sia. Damn it! No my size! RAH! All XL & L size. Wth lorhs! RAHHH! Lmao! Then after around 2 plus go back Woodlands. Was pestering mummy to buy ear piece for me as mine is lost. Then she finally agree. YEAH! Haha! Gotten my ear piece and headed home. MY LEG IS DAMN PAIN! Hahas! Then reach home, Groupmates told me tht they all wanna meet at 5.10pm. Don want dinner, so i slowly slowly. I go watch my BANGBANGTANG, then suddenly Atiqah say she reaching woodlands, then i was like WTH!? Then i chiong go bath, then go out meet her. My hair was in my MESS! LOL! Forget bout it! Then reach thr, bought my "DINNER" then waited for the others. TJ OVERSLEPT. Couldnt believe it. So we went off. Then reach Singapore Sports School. Was "STUCK" outside. LOL! Then instructors handed us tickets then we go it. I sit with LIWEN! Then beside me is Sharon's Schoolmates. I think so luhs! SHARON BULLY ME KAYS! She use the so call "CLAPING STICK" to hit my head. Bad right! alrights!, i did hit back =P Hahas! Then my eyes was SCANNING around the whole place. Who am i looking for? MATTHEW ZACHARY LIU. OMG! Then i saw someone at the "Platform" in RED. Then i was thinking if tht is MATTHEW or not. Btw, is MATTHEW ZACHARY LIU. Not our instructor tht matthew kays. Alrights! Then after tht i keep staring thr. Cause is like so far from us. I pity liwen. (: She see beside me very jialat. I keep : EH, THT ONE MATTHEW RIGHT? I THINK SO. I VERY THINK SO. AHYA, IS MATTHEW LUHS, SURE IS MATTHEW. Lol! Then she very disturb by me (: She keep asking, WHICH MATTHEW LUHS! Then i was say MATT. Hahas! We call MATTHEW ZAC : MATT. and INSTRUCTOR MATTHEW : MATTHEW. LOL! Alrights, then before the game, matthew came over the seating place and talk. He's the Host you see. Then when he was here tht time, i was like MAD okays! I keep telling liwen : OMGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! IS REALLY MATTHEW! OMG! OMG! OMG! I DON BELIEVE! then she keep beat my head. No choice, i too hyper ler. (: Hahas! After tht go went he go back the "platform" I keep WHR'S MATTHEW!?! LOL! Damn crazy luhs me! Then the game started. Singapore was always the forth. Haiyas.! Budden mircale do happens (: Singapore got the 3rd for GIRLS RELAY. DAMN FREAKING NICE! And i was cheering like mad. Sharon's schoolmate and me was like damn hyper. Then we two was shouting like mad! Hahas! I love her alrights! She rocks! But Matthew more (: LOL! Seriously i am crazy bout matthew. I WANT TO TAKE PHOTO WITH HIM! AHHH! Hahas! Alrights, backie! Then after tht we do the GOOD-JOB cheer. was great man! I believe tmr is better. Cause more ppl coming. (: HURRAY! We were all praise by the host, including MATTHEW(Thr's was two host), Then we was like CHEERING! We did the TS cheer also. Which was GREAT man! Well done YTSA! hahas! Then after tht we was dimissed. WALKED back with some of the YTSA including INSTRUCTOR matthew. Hahas! Then parted with them as i reached my house. LOL! Was fun. I had a WONDERFUL DAY with them. It will be part of my memories. (: LOVE THEM!
Tag Replies:
June: Erm, okays! Will do ASAP!

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.


Good-Job Cheer

G double D J-O-B,
GOOD JOB(2 claps)
GOOD JOB(2 claps)

G double D J-O-B,
GOOD JOB(2 claps)
GOOD JOB(2 claps)

Friday, July 3, 2009 9:24 PM

Today had lessons as usual. Morning had mass run. Atfirst was told by Mr Billy 2 rounds, we was all like.. UHHHHHH!!?? LOL! Then at gate tht time, MrJoe say 1 Round. Then all cheer. LOL! Run till back gate then walk through out. Wahahas! After tht is Science lesson. OMG!, i nearly SLEEP! Tht teacher real SUCKS man. She think we Primary kids lorhs. Teach us one by one, as in we dunno like tht. 2 Period teach 2 pages. ??? Wht the? 1 Hour lehs. She only teach 2 pages. The whole class was like.... WTH!? Then after tht chinese. Hu lao shi the baby inside her stomach is 5 months lerhs! LOL! Then i was telling Guan Yi in chinese class.. I say we watch Hu Lao Shi stomach getting bigger and bigger as days passers, and watching the baby grew bigger and bigger. She say i horny. LOL! Like tht also call horny. I am just stating the fact man! LOL! Alrights! Then stayed in class during recess. Queenie wasn't here today. She has H1N1. LOL! She was given 7 days MC okays! Lmao! Played with Liwen, SiewPeng, kellyn & GuanYi. They are funny kays. And i was Hype-ing myself. =.= They was all chiong-ing homework, and then i at thr very noisy. HAHAS! ZI-HIGH!. Lmao! Then after tht got music. MS SEOW RAWKS! She say she saw the BASKETBALL BOYS at WWW. OMG! Tht time we was thr also, but somehow nvr see her, but the Boys did. And even talk to them, and Ms Seow was with her Boyf. LOL! Then when Music room, learn bout BEETHOVAN. LOL! Then she show us the video of WONDER GIRLS - NOBODY. Hahas! So qiao! Me and Liwen keep singing this song for starting of the day, we keep nobody nobody, then do the dance steps. Hahas! The MV was nice. Damn funny. Then she show us the video of EDITED VERSION of NOBODY using SWINE FLU. WAS DAMN FUNNY! The whole class was laughing NON-STOP. DAMN FUNNY! LOL! Should go check it out yeah (: hahas! After school when back with winnie playmate. Excited bout tmr swimming finals. WAHH! LOL! Gonna meet up with my groupmates. Miss them all! Tht all, go watch my BangBangTang ler. Bye!
Tag Replies:
Sharon: hahas! Good, then see you tomorrow (:
Josephine: Yo Jojo! Hellos!

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; I wanna see Matt tmr! Ahh! Excited! Hope he's thr for hosting (:

Thursday, July 2, 2009 8:21 PM

Th 4Ys (: YunShuen, HanYi, YanLing & YunHui

The picture as promised (: Hahas! Andnd, School reopen ler! LOL! Izzit too late for me to say this? LOL! Hmmm, Monday go school, have to take temperature before can go in class. I was like, WHT THE!? LOL! Then reach class, saw MRS TAN! I MISS HER ALRIGHTS! Then she talk to us bout H1N1, then she keep coughing, then me and Liwen damn funny, we sit VEH FAR from her. Cause we two are the ones sitting CLOSER to her. LOL! Then she say if she kena H1N1 we two are the first one to kena. LOL! Have a few teachers changed.
English : MRS TAN :D (Un-changed)
Literature : Ms Angie (Changed)
Geography : Ms Veronica Lam (Changed as i took History in first semester)
Maths : Ms Lilys (Un-changed) =.=
Science : Ms Yang (Changed)
Home Ec : Ms Ong (Changed as i took DnT in first semester)
LCD : Mrs Tan & Ms Fizah (Changed) :D
P.E : Ms Thia, Mr Joe, Mr Jong, Mr Billy and a few other PE teachers. (Half changed)
Music : Ms Seow (Changed as i took art in first semester)
ICT : Mdm Hu Tian Tian (New one)
Chinese : Mdm Hu Tian Tian (Unchanged) SHE PREGRANT!.
alrights, those are my TEACHERS for the next half year. OMG! LOL! Hmm, nth special happen on Tuesday luhs, have lessons as usual. BORED. Then Wednesday also. Today erm, also lehs. Everytime study study study. LOL! I HOPE TOMORROW NO MASS RUN! I DON FEEL LIKE RUNNING! LOL! Andnd, today after school, Ms thia wanted to look for some Sec2s. We all thought is bad things sia. Scare me! Then she say NO!. LOL! Is good news. And is my FIRST STEP towards my dream, my goal, my life (: Alrights, tht's all for today. I am quite tired and want to sleep early. Bye all, and night.
Tag replies:
Janice: oh, thanks (:
Yi Suan, Jasper, Emilia, SiewPeng, Jerry: HiHi~ Thanks for tag-ging (:
Shermen: No, nothing (: I call for fun nia, why? Cannot arhs? Not happy arh?
Jasmine: Yes, you babe. Hahas! Erm, you calling yourself SZB izzit? Everytime call me YanLENG. =.=
HuiXian: LOL! Like tht can see? Change ler lehs!
Joleen: Hahas! Yeah, very long. 2 more days is our dunno how many year anni ler. LOL!
June: Ya, AGREE! LOL! Erm, will link ASAP!
Sharon: Wahlao, you like tht de. Sua! Erm, yup, going for both. You? LOL!

-My life towards DeeJaying & Hosting.

Labels; Thanks Matthew (: You help me alot! Goodluck in your media jobs and NP life. (:

dear diary.


Dearest sister ; Qixuan

your smile.

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