Wednesday, February 29, 2012 11:32 PM
Thank you.

It's gonna be the 2nd month soon. Time is going way too slow. SPEED UP PLEASE!
Today is 29 feb, 2012. It's a leap year. And good things are happening to me on this day. All thanks to you, god. Thank you for making me stress-free ;D
And Thank you for always staying right beside me even though you're afraid too. <3
( And, i am still waiting for the day you would come back, my dearest sister.)
Labels ; It's always you.
Monday, January 30, 2012 5:17 PM

Oh hi. I'm here to post again. Why? Cause i'm boring. And guess whr am i now. WORKING!. As usual. I'm really bored okay! Stuffs for me to do are half way completed. But is like typing and typing and typing. Of cos you will get sick and tired of it! And... Currently, i'm a sick girl. ;X My throat is tearing apart, my head is spinning, my eyes are closing and i'm shivering in a 26 degree aircon room. How awesome is this. Superb.
Ohya. I guess all of the O levels students 2011 got their posting results today. And i'm posted to NYP. Should i be happy or sad? Hmmm.. Happy cause is near my house, and sad because most of my friends are either at SP/NP. CRIES. But nonetheless, we will still meet up ;D HURRAY.
Okay. Bye.
Labels ; Thank you for always being thr for me <3
Friday, January 20, 2012 5:30 PM
I love my boyf. ;)

Thank you for always providing me with the best you can give.
First post of the year? I'm so lazy to post nowadays. I'm currently working @ bedok reservoir road right now. It's boring. So i'm always finding stuffs to do. ;X
O level results is out. I didnt really score well. But will most of my friends and relative say it a good score? Hmm. So currently, i dont know which course i will get into. Hopefully is something that i like. Kinda regret not studying EXTRA hard during tht period. So people, study alrights! ;D
Ohya. I love my boyf. HAHAHA. Tht silly guy. ;D
Btw. Happy Chinese New Year! It's ANGBAO time! Gonna go around people house to bai nian! GOGO!
Yesterday had reunion dinner with my cousin. But we all seems like stranger. Probably only a few which i'm close with. And they're like so much younger then me. The ones with only 1/2 year(s) gap with me are like strangers. Totally strangers. Same goes for both maternal and paternal ;X
Labels ; I still need you by my side.
Monday, December 26, 2011 8:57 PM

My old old old brother ! <3
(He trying to act cute. )

Blue blue blue! Everything is BLUE!
Hi. I love my brother. <3
Brother brought me out to underwater world today! With Dasao and her relative. This is like the first time i've been to SINGAPORE underwater world. LOL! Very kiasu, i know. HAHA. After all.. i think.. OKay only eh. I still like Okinawa's world 2nd largest aquarium! The one tht can fit 3 big big big whale with their babies! Then watch dolphins and seal show. THEY ARE REALLY VERY CUTE, I SWEAR! Hahahaha! After tht went beach to walk walk. Then down to Chinatown to makan! Everything brother pay today. I nvr even take out my wallet, HAHA! (Y) Okay.
Labels ; I don't want to think too much. But you're always making me thinking of excess stuffs. ;X
Saturday, December 24, 2011 11:06 PM
Merry christmas

Merry Christmas.
Hey. It's Christmas eve today. And i spend it at home. Wht a lonely Christmas eve. And guess wht. In less then 6 more day, it's 2012. A new beginning year. 2011 isn't really great for me, and i pray tht 2012 will be a good year. Secondary school life marks an end in 2011 and Poly life will start in 2012. How will it be?
Christmas tomorrow and i will be out celebrating with my mates ;D Qixuan and Melinda. Hope we will have a great time out yeah! New year count down, how will it be like? And 2012? And my O level results?
Lots of surprises coming my way. And i pray for good stuffs. 2012, let it be a good year for all of us.
Labels ; An unexpected surprise.
Saturday, December 17, 2011 11:15 PM
smile. ;)

Hey Hi hello! Let's smile!
Have been working almost everyday for the past few days. Now i've got my 4 days off! WEEEE! Okay. Christmas is coming soon! Soon it will be the last day of 2011 and then the first day of 2012 and the CHINESE NEW YEAR! Lai lai lai! ANGBAOOOOOO! Okay. Lame! I'm wondering how i will be celebrating my Chirstmas and New year this year. Hmmm. Last year was with love one. This year no love one. Celebrate with close one. YAY! Okay. Goodnights.
Labels ; Smile always! ;D
Saturday, December 10, 2011 1:18 AM

Tell me what can i do, please.
Wht happen to us? Urgh. Fml seriously. I really hate the state we are in now. Fuck fuck fuck. Can i just go and kill myself, please? Forget bout it. Since i'm always alone. I think of you, but you never think of me. WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF!? I got myself into more troubles. Fuckyeah. -.--'-
Labels ; Another dis-happenings.